エージェント活動 2024.07.22 UpDate

MONDAY, JULY 22, 2024

不動産の世界から「不」をなくそう Eliminating negative aspects from real estate market

みなさんこんにちは。RE/MAX de-Zayの山崎真理です。











Hello everyone. I’m Mari Yamazaki with RE/MAX de-Zay, JAPAN.

Why did I become a real estate agent? There was more than one reason, but the deciding factor was one that it seemed like a lot of fun! That was it.

To begin with, I’m an Aquarius and one white water star of Nine Star Ki, therefore my personality is blue, which means I’m a thinker. Speaking of blue, Sailor Moon’s Sailor Mercury “Mizuno Ami” is also protected by Mercury and her key color is blue. I have an inseparable relationship with water.

I have a serious and quiet personality, but just like water will rot if it’s stored up, the nature of water should be flowing, so if I’m not always free to flow, my heart will rot.

My strength is that I love the view from the train window, so I’m always traveling. I like the feeling of swimming freely around the earth like a blue-fine tuna.

I became independent four years ago, and this time I became a real estate agent through a connection.

My personality, which doesn’t allow me to stay in one place, has paid off, and I’ve lived in many different places.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, hotel subscription services were also a hot topic. I have a feeling that we will see a more dynamic mixture of different styles, such as from camper vans to manga cafes, and that in the future our relationship with real estate will become more free and easy access, much casual, and unconstrained by borders.

If I make big fortune in here, I’d like to start new business something like a karaoke airplane with free melon soda.

It’s amazing thing that I am able to get involved in this industry in this timing, which is perfect for this.



Everybody WINS
