Buyer’s Seminar 19th November 2018


Buyer's Seminar held at REMAX Korea in Gangnam-gu, South Korea

This past Monday, November 19th, we held a buyer's seminar for Korean investors on investment opportunities in Japan, focusing in on the Osaka market. This was the first event of its kind between RE/MAX in both countries.

The seminar was held at RE/MAX Korea's headquarters office located in Gangnam-gu, South Korea.
The event was organized by Mr. Kim of RE/MAX Hwang Ji located in Sejong City and Mr. Park of RE/MAX Korea.

It was a pleasure collaborating with these two on providing an educational workshop for the Korean investors as well as the number of RE/MAX agents in attendance from RE/MAX Wide Partners.

The seminar had a great turnout! With a total of 13 individuals in attendance, 3 agents from RE/MAX Wide Partners and 10 investors.

I want to thank everyone involved, organizers and attendees for allowing me to speak of my experiences and sharing information regarding Osaka.

Also a huge thank you to Mrs. Hwang, the owner of RE/MAX Hwang Ji and Mr. Kim for being such gracious hosts during my three and a half days in Korea.

I look forward on building our partnership between RE/MAX in Japan and RE/MAX in Korea.

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