Explanation of important matters


The explanation of important matters will be held in English. To conclude, buying a home in Japan as a foreigner is indeed a significant commitment but also a deeply rewarding experience. I’d like to emphasize once again that understanding your financial standing is a foundational step. Choosing a knowledgeable and experienced real estate agent can greatly ease the process, provide valuable insights, and bridge any language gaps.
Most likely licensed estate agents are well experienced. Without some sort of experience they can't pass the bar exam of the real estate. Only licensed estate agents are qualified to explain about the property before a buyer signs the purchase agreement according to the Japanese law.
A is a seller's agent. B is a buyer's agent. In this case I am a buyer's agent. I am on the buyers's side. I will side with the buyer to dispute after the deal is close if something happens.
Let's say, the seller didn't disclose there was a leaking from the crack before the deal was closed. I let the seller pay to repair the roof and cracking.

I can explain about the property even via zoom. You don't have to visit Japan to sign the closing documents. I can practice the explanation of important matters while you are in your country via zoom.

Koji Kitada. Licensed estate agent.