お役立ち情報・ネタ 2020.12.25 UpDate


How to collect the unemployment insurance in Japan

Hi, expats I hope you are doing well during the pandemic era. I regret to tell you some of foreign workers were laid off or terminated the contract because of pandemic.

You still can survive. The Japanese government has a very immigrant friendly policy. They understand the situation. 

I tell you how to claim for the unemployment benefit in Japan.

First of all, who is eligible for the benefit?

To claim unemployment insurance benefits, you must, of course, have first paid into the system. Anyone who has worked in Japan for six months and made insurance payments is eligible to apply. As long as you have a work visa to work in Japan anybody is qualified. 

Firstly, so long as you have been part of the  employment insurance program as an employee, then if you lose your job you are eligible to claim the basic daily allowance of up to 80% of your last 6 month’s averaged monthly salary, for up to 6 months. Just how much you get depends on a case-by-case basis on your age, reason for losing the last job, and the period of time over which you have paid in the employment insurance. Just as a guideline, if you were forced to leave your job, the unemployment benefit will be paid for between 90 days and 330 days depending on the years spent in that company. If you have left the company of your own volition, then payments will be made for between 90 days and 150 days, again depending on the years spent in that company.

The process for claiming the unemployment benefit is that you go register at your local Hello Work office, the government’s employment agency. They do a job viability assessment with you, and a case officer starts recommending jobs. You don’t have to be accepted by the new employer. At least you have to show you are looking for a job. You fill out the paper and submit it to case officer and wait. Each person has a case officer, he or she will take care of you. They want to get you work before the unemployment benefit starts, and they expect you to be around if a job pops up. 

For your first visit to Hello Work, make sure you bring the following items:

  • The official “letter of separation” from your previous job

  • Residence card

  • Bank book

  • Hanko

  • Two passport-sized photos, 3 cm x 2.5 cm

Again, anyone is eligible for unemployment benefit regardless of their visa type, so long as they have paid for their Employment Insurance.
