お役立ち情報・ネタ 2020.09.15 UpDate


If you are an inexperienced real estate investor this is for you.

Are you interested in investing in the Japanese real estate market and you have no experience? If so, this property is for you.  The sales price of this property is 5,000,000 JPY. The additional fee is about 8 %. It includes transfer tax, lawyer fee and commission. You have a tenant already in this property. You don’t have to find a new tenant. Steady cash flow. 

You will learn some from books, seminars, mentors, etc…. but the best way you learn is you investing in the real estate market by yourself. You can get savvy by playing small. You stay educated by keeping a property. 

It costs 5,000,000 JPY, even you fail the investment, the damage is limited. I will make an all out effort to find a new tenant once this gets vacancy. This property is renovated in 2018 so you don’t have to repair for a while. 

You don’t have to live in Japan to invest this property. I can manage the property for you by paying 5 % of the rent. 

Now is a good time to get started as not too many people do it because of covid-19 pandemic.

The description of the property  

 The sales price, 5,000,000JPY. Like I said earlier, about 8 % of the additional fee. They are transfer taxes lawyer fee and commission. 

The rent income is 50,000JPY per month. This property is used as a workshop. The tenant uses a sewing machine for business. The property tax is quiet low. You don’t have to spend money to install equipment for a while. City gas, sewage. 39.92㎡. 1K style. Built in 1966. 

Using leverage to purchase real estate can be dangerous because, in a falling market, the interest expense and regular mortgage payments could drive you into bankruptcy if you aren’t careful. Non Japanese can borrow money anyway unless you have a permanent visa. This property really fits you. 

Real estate investors can deduct all sorts of expenses from their taxes, including mortgage interest, depreciation, property tax, and more if you live in Japan. 

