Night moving company


Over 20% Japanese work 80 hours of overtime per month. Many workers suffer from the phenomenon of Karoshi.
It means death from overwork. 200 such cases each year.
In Japan, leaving a company is viewed as shameful. That's the part of reason for disappearing. Other reasons are depression, addiction and desire for isolation, even failing the exam. This phenomenon has created an entire industry.

There are night moving company. They offer services to make disappearance easier, from finding a place to stay to ensuring clients. You can find on google very easily. The fees range from $450 to $2,600 They depend on how far and how many possessions you have if you have kid the fees are higher.
One of clients admitted I am fed up with human relationships and I took a small suit case and disappear.

But where do they go? Sometimes they rent cheap hotel, however the majority of them settle in the slum such as Kamagasaki in Osaka. Here it's possible to live without an ID. The evaporated people pick up any jobs that pay cash. They also change the name to maintain anonymity.

Masashi Tanaka disappeared as his mother abused him. After he served time on drug charges he ended up in Kamagasaki in Osaka.
It's a tragic story but it's not uncommon in Japan.

Koji Kitada
A certified real estate sale person.