Barreiras Linguísticas no Mercado I...
Navegar pelo mercado imobiliário japonês pode ser uma experi...
Language Barriers in Japanese Real ...
Navigating the Japanese real estate market can be a daunting...
驚きました、先日日曜日の昼下がり、全国活躍されておられるアコーディオンの プロのミュージシャンの方が、ご来店頂きました。...
Conquiste Sua Casa no Japão: O Guia...
Comprar um imóvel no Japão pode parecer um desafio, especial...
歯の銀行ってご存じですか? 若いときに、健康の歯を保存し、歳を重ねて歯を失ったらその歯を移植するものです。 私は、その歯...
東京調布にあるアパート(3部屋)賃貸経営中。カッコいいでしょ? オーナーチェンジ募集中、ご興味あれば、ご連絡ください。ペ...
Como os terremotos moldam o mercado...
Após o terremoto de 1923, o Japão modernizou urbanismo e eng...
The closing day. Chinese, Taiwanese...
The deal of the real estate was closed in my office. The buy...
生後6か月の時に横浜のとあるチェーン店で購入してから7年たちました。 私は猛反対したのですが、勝手にカミさんが犬用ゲージ...
Taking Measurements Before Moving In
Embrace the Timeless Beauty of Machiya Living
The event of The Prince of Tennis II in Osaka at Bandai Namco cross store
Life as an IT engineer in Osaka Japan
Sign and Seal the Deal
Explanation of important matters
What kind of difficulties expats have to find a flat in Tokyo
Do people speak English in Japan?