【不動産エージェントは人脈が必要?】 人脈が無くても不動産エージェントをする事は可能です。 実際に全く福岡に住んだことな...
【副業でも不動産エージェントはできるのか?】 副業でも不動産エージェントは出来ますが、難しいです。 RE/MAX Rev...
The earthquake on the new year day
There was an earthquake yesterday January 1st 2024. The epic...
実需にも!投資にも! 今回は芦屋市内の3DK分譲マンションをご紹介します。 南向き・ペット可のシャンボール...
Buying and managing a second home i...
They are an American couple from North Carolina. They bought...
これからお子様が甲南小学校にご通学されるご家族様に朗報です! 甲南小学校向かいの「住吉本町レジデンス」見晴らしの良い南向...
宅地建物取引士試験に、無事、合格することができました! 不動産業界未経験から半年の勉強、1回目の試験で合格するのは難しい...
A fulfilling life in Japan and the ...
This is the story about an American couple who live a fulfil...
Japan pensioners volunteer to tackl...
A group of more than 200 Japanese pensioners are volunteerin...
Stigmatized properties in Japan
It was the scene of a lonely death. An elderly man had died ...
Cultivating Respectful Connections:...
Osaka, known for its vibrant culture, delicious street food,...
Exploring Room Sharing in Japan: A ...
Japan is known for its unique culture, stunning landscapes, ...
Sign and Seal the Deal
Explanation of important matters
What kind of difficulties expats have to find a flat in Tokyo
Do people speak English in Japan?
Catch your fish and eat it too at this unique restaurant in Osaka
Purchasing a Japanese condo as a foreigner while you are in your country
Japanese city pop’s greatest singer in the 80s
Buying and managing a second home in Japan