Guide to Buying Property in Japan a...
Buying property in Japan as a foreigner can be a complex pro...
Rental Areas in Osaka: A Guide
Osaka is a vibrant and bustling city with a lot to offer. If...
Japanese anime is a cultural asset that the nation can show ...
Golden Week is a series of public holidays from late April t...
In Japan 80,000 people disappear annuary, where do they go? ...
Spring is around the corner. Osaka is a surprisingly good pl...
はじめまして!3月よりRE/MAX IZUMAI(東京・日本橋)に参加させていただきました 佐藤絵里子と申します。ご挨拶...
歩く旅に愛らしい街、ボン Bonn, Cute city as you...
Have you been to Bonn? I was in Bonn in year end, City were ...
Due to the gates opening for overseas guests, a lot of peopl...
春にリノベーションをお考えですか? 最近は中古マンションを購入し、水回りや収納、床も自分で好きなようにデザインする、とい...
Taking Measurements Before Moving In
Embrace the Timeless Beauty of Machiya Living
The event of The Prince of Tennis II in Osaka at Bandai Namco cross store
Life as an IT engineer in Osaka Japan
Sign and Seal the Deal
Explanation of important matters
What kind of difficulties expats have to find a flat in Tokyo
Do people speak English in Japan?