Living in the Heart of Osaka: Renti...
Shinsaibashi is one of the most popular and bustling shoppin...
Discovering Osaka: A Journey Throug...
Osaka is a bustling metropolis in Japan that offers a wide r...
Machiya and Urban plannning, Future...
What do you imagine when you hear Livig in Kyoto? Live,Work,...
Kyoto, where you dream to live! and...
Hello, This is Konishi from RE/MAX Community lab. I am from ...
Interview with international studen...
I thought by interviewing international students in Japan I ...
RE/MAX JapanConventionで表彰されました
2月4日にRE/MAXの第2回 Japan Conventionが開催され、2019年のセールスラリー(表彰式)も併せて...