Interview with international students! 留学生にインタビュー1


I thought by interviewing international students in Japan I could show others their personal experiences and the ups and downs of life in Japan. My friend Javier was kind enough to allow me to interview him, he is from Singapore and has been living in Japan for about 2years.

Javier's Impression of Life in Japan

Q1. What was your impression of Japan before studying abroad?

A. I thought that Japan is very advanced in a lot of aspects.

Q2. How has your impression of Japan changed after you actually studied abroad?

A. Some places still use outdated and slow methods when processing information. Almost everything official is done in paper, rather than online.

Q3. Did you have any difficulties while studying abroad?

A. I come from Singapore, so adjusting to the seasons changing is difficult for me, even now. I get sick often when the season changes.

Q4. Did you experience culture shock?

A. Japan has a systematic way of doing things, unlike Singapore. For example, there’s different days to throw away different types of garbage.

Q5. Have you ever moved while studying abroad?

A.Yes, I have moved twice. Once through an international real estate agent, and another one through a local real estate agent.

Q6. Would you recommend living in Japan to anyone who was considering it? And if yes, what would your one personal piece of advance be to them

A. If I knew someone who enjoys the culture in Japan, I’ll definitely recommend it!
I would tell them to be open to new and different things!