Interview with international students! 留学生にインタビュー3


I thought by interviewing international students in Japan I could show others their personal experiences and the ups and downs of life in Japan. My friend Isabella from Scotland and she been living in Japan for about 4years. We met at Vegan meetup in Osaka

Isabella's Impression of Life in Japan

Q1. What was your impression of Japan before studying abroad?

Lots of country side and nature loving country with amazing foods/fruits etc. technology forward, hard working (productive)

Q2. How has your impression of Japan changed after you actually studied abroad?

Though there is countryside, there’s not many parks/nature areas to relax in city. And if there is a park it’s very dry/dusty not green. Though japan has great food, if in a rush there’s hardly any vegetables (even worse for fruit). The amount of plastic horrifies me daily. Japan is advance with robots but loves paperwork. The xenophobia has risen drastically during covid sadly. But the romanticisation of “japan is 98% Japanese” needs to end too. Wish there was more recycling centres or bins around town (Europe has massive clothes recycling bins beside shops, bottle give back systems)

I love the ease of public transport. The nature is stunning, and it’s been an interesting experience.

Q3. Did you have any difficulties while studying abroad?

Not that I can think of, I do find that September starting students tend to be forgotten a lot. But that’s probably a uni by uni issue.

Q4. Did you experience culture shock?

Not really

Q5. Have you ever moved while studying abroad?

Moved house? Yes 3 times, but I’ve never moved city only apartment location.

Q6. Would you recommend living in Japan to anyone who was considering it? And if yes, what would your one personal piece of advance be to them

I would though I would recommend it in bursts to begin with (I.e come for a gap year or for university as this time is long enough to experience japan, make friends and decide if you want to stay longer) it’s hard to make friends if you are not at university or drinking age so keep this in mind