京都のコミュニティ・ラボのエージェント小西です。 すっかり春らしくなりましたが、皆様の場所ではどんな春をお迎えでしょうか...
Interview with international studen...
I thought by interviewing international students in Japan I ...
Interview with international studen...
I thought by interviewing international students in Japan I ...
今日はRE/MAXっぽく、アメリカの不動産と日本の不動産、その売買方法の違いについて語っちゃおうかと思っています。 RE...
みなさまお元気ですか?京都のRE/MAXコミュニティ・ラボのメンバー小西です。 エージェントとして京都の物件をご紹介させ...
The Hello Kitty Haruka, Kansai air ...
Welcome to the Kansai region of Japan. In the interest of fi...
Income tax on real estate income
One thing you are wondering after you purchase an investment...
Purchase Guide to buy a property in...
Selecting property Please look through our listings on our w...
Osaka is still one of the world’s m...
There are lots of ways to appraise a city. A few months ago,...
Life as an IT engineer in Osaka Japan
Sign and Seal the Deal
Explanation of important matters
What kind of difficulties expats have to find a flat in Tokyo
Do people speak English in Japan?
Catch your fish and eat it too at this unique restaurant in Osaka
Purchasing a Japanese condo as a foreigner while you are in your country
Japanese city pop’s greatest singer in the 80s