Moving to Osaka for a non-Japanese.
The condo unit has been handed over to the lady named Jenny....
Do people speak English in Japan?
The language barrier is often one of the most prominent conc...
Catch your fish and eat it too at t...
Seafood doesn’t get any more fresh than this! At this unique...
Shirahama (白浜) is a well developed(hot spring) resort 100 ki...
What are the Six Namba Stations?
A lot of non Japanese people like Namba over Umeda. Namba...
Due to the gates opening for overseas guests, a lot of peopl...
The best car Insurance Company In J...
If you’ve recently moved to Japan, one of the first ordeals ...
RE/MAX内でも増え続けている女性エージェント。 RE/MAXではなぜ女性が活躍できるか? なぜ、他の不動産会社で女性...
・自分より優秀な人の力を借りる ・昇進昇格を諦める ・自分が社長だと思って営業する ・お客様に最大のサービスをする &n...